
[스크랩] 영국 여류화가 Elizabeth Keith가 그린 조선, 조선인

최흔용 2009. 6. 13. 01:07

영국 여류화가 Elizabeth Keith가 그린
조선, 조선인

"Portrait of Miss Elizabeth Keith"
by Ito Shinsui, 1922

"From the Land of the Morning Calm"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1939

"Korean Nobleman"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1938

"A Daughter of the House of Min"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1938

"A Daughter of the House of Min"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1938

"A Temple Kitchen, Diamond Mountains, North Korea"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1920

"East Gate, Seoul, Sunrise"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1920

"Young Korea"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1920

"A Morning Gossip, Hamheung, Korea"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1921

"Country Wedding Feast"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1921

"Marriage Procession, Seoul"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1921

"New Year''s Shopping, Seoul"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1921

"Nine Dragon Pool, Diamond Mountains"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1921

"Korean Mother and Child"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1924

"White Buddha, Korea"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1925

"East Gate, Pyeng Yang, Korea"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1925

"Riverside, Pyeng Yang, Korea"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1925

"Two Korean Children"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1925

"The Flute Player"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1927

"The Gong Player"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1927

"Wedding Guest, Seoul"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1919

"Court Musicians, Korea"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1938

"Korean Bride"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1938

"East Gate, Seoul, Moonlight"
by Elizabeth Keith, 1920


아기업은 여인
Elizabeth Keith
종류 1종
10×5, Booklet pane : 5×2
색도 5도
판매가액 2전
인쇄처 보진재


연 날리는 어린이
Elizabeth Keith
종류 1종
5×5, Booklet pane : 5×2
5도 평판


때때옷 입은 어린이
Elizabeth Keith
종류 1종
5 ×5, Booklet pane : 5 ×2
5도 평판


출처 : 천작쟁인 야후 블로그에서



슬기둥 / 그리운 님
출처 : 산그늘솔바람
글쓴이 : 산그늘솔바람 원글보기
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